Flashback Friday: CRT Monitors

For many of us, our first computer came with a bulky CRT monitor. Cathode ray tube monitors were the standard for computer displays for many years, but they have been largely replaced by flat-panel displays like LCD and LED screens. LCD screens for computers and TVs became popularized around 2007. These monitors used an electron gun to shoot a beam of electrons at a phosphorescent screen, creating an image. But as technology evolved, CRT monitors became obsolete and were replaced by LCD (liquid crystal display) screens. Let's take a look at why CRT monitors are no longer in use and why LCDs are the norm today. CRT monitors were once the norm, but as technology advanced, they were replaced by LCD screens. LCDs are more energy-efficient, produce higher-resolution images, and are less likely to cause eye strain. While CRT monitors may bring back memories of old-school gaming and computer use, LCD screens are now the standard, and we can appreciate the advancements in technology that have made them possible.